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Returns Policy / Exchanges


You may request a product return, for the following situations:

  • Faulty products.
    In this case, you may return the product along with the invoice. We will then exchange the defective product with a new one. The delivery costs will be met NEW BLUE SHARK Ltd.
  • Delivery mistake / Incorrect product.
    In the case of a wrong order by NEW BLUE SHARK Ltd., we will do our best to send you the correct product as soon as possible. If the product is no longer available you will receive a full refund immediately. Any return charges will be paid by our company.
  • General.
    In any case, before you proceed to a return request, please contact us by telephone at in order for you to have an easier and faster service.


In case there was a mistake in the size of an item, we can replace it with the correct one, at no extra charge to you.

This option is only available for addresses inside Greece.

You will need to call us at 2107561801 so we can supply you with a courier code and instructions on how to return the item, and afterwards we will send the new item for free.

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